Don't leave anything to chance!
Become your doctor's best assistant
During your operation, the doctor is in charge. However, there are many things you can do before and after to ensure that your cosmetic surgery is successful - that is, that you tolerate the procedure well and are on the fastest path to recovery.
beautyprotect | Your plastic surgery - pre- and post-operative care
Tips for successful cosmetic surgery
We at beautyprotect not only want to offer you the best possible insurance cover for your cosmetic surgery. We would like to accompany you on this very important path for you.
We offer you protection if your cosmetic surgery subsequently requires unplanned follow-up treatments. To prevent it from ever getting that far, we provide you with useful information on this page and its subpages on how you can best prepare for an operation and then support healing through active care.
Recommendations for optimal surgical preparation
Cosmetic surgery puts a certain amount of strain on your body. This is associated, for example, with the medications you receive, the anesthesia during the operation and the surgical procedures themselves.
Therefore, please take the following advice to heart. You will feel better overall and have the good feeling that you have done everything you can to prepare for the operation.
For a period of between two and three months before your procedure
  • Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet - but please don't go on a diet.
  • Avoid cigarettes and instead go for walks more often.
  • Up to two weeks ago You should not take alcohol, sleeping pills or blood-thinning medications after your cosmetic surgery in order to avoid excessive bleeding.
  • Until about two months You should not get vaccinated before your cosmetic procedure.
  • Depending on the procedure, you may need a vacation after cosmetic surgery. Submit this to your employer in good time. The doctor is not allowed to issue you a sick note for a voluntary, medically unnecessary procedure.
One day to one evening before your procedure
  • The day before your operation, it will be good for you to relax as much as possible, distract yourself with positive thoughts and do something good for yourself - treat yourself to rest.
  • On the evening before your operation, you should not eat anything after 10 p.m. and drink a maximum of two glasses of water (under no circumstances juice, coffee, milk or similar) until two hours before your operation.
  • It is best to make sure that you remove all foreign materials from your body the evening before. These include, for example, contact lenses or piercings.
Postoperative care recommendations
After your cosmetic surgery, the recovery period begins. You have had the procedure, but your body will still have to deal with the after-effects for a while. For every cosmetic procedure, there are various aspects of postoperative care to consider, which you should always discuss with your doctor in advance.
In general, it is important to estimate how long you will be physically restricted and have to stay at home after the operation. You should have provisions for this time, as well as for someone to pick you up from the clinic. You are probably able to manage on your own. However, experience has shown that it is nice to have someone you trust with you - especially if you have not tolerated the anesthesia very well and are still unsteady on your feet.
Post-operative care of your scars or wounds
  • The best time to take a quick shower without soaking the wound is on the second day after your cosmetic surgery - be careful not to actively soap or even scrub the wound.
  • Swimming will probably be possible again after 10 days. After removing staples or stitches, immediately the following day.
  • If after three weeks there are still wound residues or adhesive residue left, you can remove them yourself.
  • You should avoid sauna and sun for about three months so that your scar disappears (more quickly).
  • If you have pain, please take the medication your doctor prescribes. You should not suffer and should be able to move without pain - this is important for your healing process and to avoid thrombosis, for example.
  • In general, pay careful attention to your body and do not overexert yourself.
  • In most cases, sport can be resumed after just two to three weeks, depending on the type of procedure and the location of the body.
  • Make sure your diet includes anti-inflammatory foods and those that strengthen your immune system. This includes lots of fruit and vegetables, fatty fish, nuts, seeds and whole grain products.
  • Continue to avoid alcohol and nicotine.
More detailed information
For more detailed information about your cosmetic surgery, please click on your planned procedure in the list below. Your procedure is not included? Our service staff will be happy to provide you with information by phone or email.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions first and foremost! We can only give general information here. From case to case, from patient to patient, there may be deviations and special measures required.
Your planned cosmetic surgery
Under the following links you will find information about the respective cosmetic surgery as well as tips on surgical preparation and postoperative care.
We list the most common operations here, but in principle ALL aesthetic procedures can be insured with beautyprotect, even if the respective procedure is not listed here.
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like personal advice. (we speak English)

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